Promis.e Help

Color Interpolation Dialog

Used to interpolate colors in the active color table — that is, to specify gradations between pairs of colors.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Color Table dialog: Edit > Interpolate Colors

Interpolation Style Sets the color "space" (RGB or HSV) through which interpolation is performed.
  • RGB — Red, Green, Blue — Vary colors according to their red, blue, and green components such that they will tend to be of the same hues as Start Color and End Color.
  • HSV — Hue, Saturation, Value — Vary the hue, saturation, and value of colors to produce more of a rainbow effect where Start Color and End Color have widely separated hues.
Start Color If on, sets the index number (0-254) of the color with which to begin interpolation. (If on, and a color is selected in the toolbox, the selected color becomes the Start Color.)
End Color If on, sets the index number (0-254) of the color with which to end interpolation. (If on, and a color is selected in the toolbox, the selected color becomes the End Color.)
Blend Interpolates colors from Start Color to End Color.
Color palette Represents the settings in the active color table and provides a graphical means to select Start Color or End Color, depending on which radio button is on.
OK Accepts any specified modifications of the active color table and returns to the Color Table dialog.
Reset Resets the color palette to the active color table settings.
Cancel Resets the color palette to the active color table settings and closes the dialog.